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Story of Uneducated Women

It is a common notion in our society that if a vulnerable girl is evicted by her husband with a child because she is uneducated, the future of such a girl is very bad - She is forced to wander and people use it in the name of empathy and her child becomes a picture of helplessness.


But this girl named Azmi did not do anything like that. In an interview to Daily Pakistan, Azmi said that she belonged to Kasur and in 1999 she came to Lahore with her parents where they rented a small house and Azmi Got a job in a garment factory on a daily basis for Rs. 6, after which her parents married her to a well-educated young man.


But this clever young man, taking advantage of the simplicity of Azmi's parents, sold his ancestral home for six and a half lakhs and seized his money and rented a three-story house with an advance of fifty thousand rupees. A son was born at home. Azmi had not even seen the shape of the school during this time. Her husband used to taunt her every day.


One day her husband kicked her and her parents out of the house until they had no bread to eat and no place to cover their heads. She also went to her in-laws for help but they too On this occasion, her husband snatched some of her children's jewelry from Uzma under the pretext of returning the money to the people, and Uzma was left empty-handed.


Meanwhile, her husband died in an accident and she was left alone in this world with her child - but instead of giving up on all these problems, Uzma decided to fight them and try to start her studies. Get started - he decided to give matriculation exams privately -


He worked hard during his matriculation, Inter B.Com and then MBA from the University of Management and Technology - remember Azmi was one of those people who never saw a school. But the slaps of time taught him to swim, the most important of which was the hard work of the great character.

During B.Com, a gentleman entered Azmi's life who accepted Azmi and his son with great respect and adopted him with honor, but on the day Azmi entered MBA, her husband was attacked. The wind blew and they went into a coma. For 21 days, both the great university and the hospital were torn apart.


To cover her education expenses, she kept a few pills of Panadol in a shop for only Rs. 500 - but with hard work overtime, she developed the store to such an extent that now the store has goods worth Rs. Played a key role in meeting Azmi's expenses.


Today, Azmi is working as a successful woman. She is a successful businesswoman on the one hand and a good job after MBA on the other.

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